Sea creature studies

Molluscs and arthropods. I was thinking about the head crab from The Thing while doing the last little guy 😊.

Animal studies

Hoofed animal studies from a sketch jam. Ungulates, equids, hoofed animals of various kinds! I find deer and other such animals really graceful and lovely and it was a pleasure to try and figure out some of their leggies.

Character Designs for Afternoon on the Peregrine

Some initial design sketches I did for Afternoon on the Peregrine, a last-minute entry to one of Tapas’s comic contests. Trying out some casual wear options for the main character, and ended up drawing some elderly faces instead lol.

Eye Study (MPD Psycho)

Eye studies! Years after I first read MPD Psycho, Amamiya Kazuhiko’s eyes still make a big impression on me — probably because he’s the protagonist, yet has eyes like a serial killer.

Since a lot of eyes in manga are heavily ornamented, I was interested in how simplified eyes could convey so much emotion and intrigue. No, perhaps it’s because they’re so simplified that their message can be conveyed so easily!

A breakdown of an MPD Psycho panel